How Attorneys Can Switch Legal Practice Areas: The Definitive Guide to Switching Legal Practice Areas for Attorneys

In a lot of respects, the path attorneys take to joining a particular practice area is nothing short of insane. Most attorneys interview for summer associate jobs, take the best summer job they can get, and join a particular firm without much thought to what practice area they will be in. Given that people spend a significant amount of their lifetime at work, enjoying the work they do is especially vital, and the process attorneys undertake to choose a practice area seems nonsensical in a lot of respects.

It is not surprising then, that many attorneys call virtually all of our offices on a daily basis seeking to switch practice areas. It is difficult to switch practice areas, but it can be done. Your ability to switch practice areas will depend upon:
A. Harrison Barnes
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  • your academic background,

  • the length of time you have practiced,

  • the law firm you are with,

  • the condition of the legal job market,

  • the market demand of the practice area you want to leave and enter,

  • your geographic location, and perhaps,

  • pure luck.