"The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other "self-initiated contact" with the employer..."
We want to talk to you about what you want to do with your career.
Legal Authority clients have proven thousands of times over that almost all legal hiring organizations hire people who approach them looking for jobs-regardless of whether or not the employer has an advertised position. Our clients also know that not all legal hiring organizations advertise their positions. Because of this, Legal Authority is able to benefit our clients in a way job boards, recruiters and others simply cannot match.
Legal Authority assists attorneys and law students in initiating targeted mailings to groups of legal employers. After a comprehensive market evaluation, our professionals will redo your resume and cover letter and prepare a customized mailing to the hiring contacts inside the legal hiring organizations you have selected.
The Legal Authority process works. Since starting in the year 2000, we have assisted tens of thousands of attorneys throughout the years. Does our process work for everyone? Of course not. However, in a substantial number of cases if you follow our recommendations you are going to be far better off than if you did not.
Legal Authority is a name you can trust: We are part of the Employment Research Institute group of companies which is one of the larger career companies in the world.
We conduct targeted mailings to legal employers that interest you, whether in-house, law firm, government, or public interest. Targeted mailing is the most effective way to get a job because it enables you to (1) identify every employer who meets your interest and (2) express interest in working for these employers. When you conduct a targeted mailing you are applying to every employer who may have an advertised position, may be hiring informally without an advertisement, or who may decide they have a need when they see your application.
We then print your resumes, cover letters, and envelopes and FedEx them to you along with the phone numbers and contact names of each employer. All that you need to do is mail your letters. This marketing strategy has worked for thousands of attorneys and law students who have used Legal Authority and it can work for you too.
We offer a free consultation, and there is no obligation. We will recommend what we believe is the best strategy for you to go about searching for your next position. You can listen to our advice if you choose and use our service, or you can choose not to. There is no obligation whatsoever. After speaking with a Legal Authority representative, you can decide if you would like to use our service.
We believe Legal Authority is extremely effective, because most legal positions are filled through self-initiated contact with legal employers. Our service does not work all the time for every law student and attorney; however, it works much more often than it does not. It almost always results in our clients receiving multiple interviews. Your success will depend on where you are applying for a job, the strength of your practice area and scope of your mailing. Our Employment Advocates will generally recommend the most aggressive path for you to insure your success.
Legal Authority has already helped thousands of law students and attorneys receive multiple interviews and offers. It can work for you, too. Get started now!
See Why Legal Authority is the Most Effective Way to Find a Legal Job
Myth Versus Reality for In-House Jobs Looking for the perfect in house position? Our database contains every in house legal department in the United States. Get the in-house position you want now! We can cover a city, or the entire...MORE
Myth versus Reality: Law School Professor Jobs Yes... you can be a law professor if you are already a lawyer. Want to see if there are any law schools out there that are interested in you? We can help you contact all the law schools in a given...MORE
Legal Authority just made it easier for you to find the workplace of your dreams, at the time most convenient for you. You can now customize your job search with a few clicks of the mouse within the comfort and privacy of your home.
Now, purchase your contacts online, on your personal computer, at the time most convenient for you.
Access the Legal Authority advantage any time of the day, at the click of a mouse.
Sit back, review your search options and set your preferences accurately, at your discretion.
Review and revise your search preferences as per your budget.
The new Legal Authority database allows you to search by a wide variety of criteria, including:
Geographic location
Service areas, for example a litigation firm
Law firm or company size in terms of annual revenue
Simply key in your preferences to have your job search outlined accurately.
Why people do not want you to know about Legal Authority
There is an entire industry composed of job boards, recruiters, career services offices, headhunters and other that have a vested interest in you not using our service. DESPITE THE INCREDIBLE SUCCESS JOB SEEKERS HAVE HAD USING IT, LEGAL AUTHORITY HAS BEEN AN ABSOLUTE MARKETING AND "PUBLIC RELATIONS DISASTER" SINCE WE STARTED IN THE YEAR 2001.
Given Legal Authority's "issues," if you are serious about getting multiple interviews and jobs in the legal market you are going to have to sell yourself on using our service because many so-called "experts" out there are going to try and dissuade you from doing so.
The biggest problem with Legal Authority is that when people refer to our service they say things like "you should not have to pay to look for a job" and "any service that charges you hundreds of dollars to help you search for a job must be a scam!"
A second big marketing hurdle we have faced is the cost of our service. The average cost for our services is generally hundreds of dollars and in a good percentage of cases people spend $1,000 or more on our service. We believe that Legal Authority is actually the least expensive method of looking for a legal job. People in the legal industry who are not working typically sit around not working for weeks or months losing much more money per week (or day) in lost wages than it would cost them to pick up the phone and use our service.
The biggest problem are "experts" (career services offices, recruiters, other job seekers) who when asked for their opinion about Legal Authority will never bother to inform themselves, read about the service, or use it before sharing all sorts of negative opinions about it. We have been pounding our head against the wall trying to educate "experts" as to why Legal Authority is so effective and the very logical insights into why it is absolutely the best method of looking for a legal job.
Despite the fact that you may now understand what we do, you are still going to need to sell yourself on what we do because for most people an explanation alone is not enough. In order to help you understand what we do, read some advice that discuss what we do. Review testimonials from our clients. Review advertisements about what we do.
2. To overcome the issue of the price, you could read: www.WhyLegalAuthorityIsExpensive.com. Here, you will learn why Legal Authority is actually the very cheapest method of looking for a job. In fact, using Legal Authority is far less expensive than any other method of looking for a job such as joining a job site, using a recruiter, or simply trolling the classified ads.
3. The so-called "Experts" are one of our biggest problems. These experts consist of perpetually unemployed or unsuccessful attorneys, bureaucrats inside of law schools, legal recruiters, and people in general who are paranoid of anything that costs money they have never heard of. Most "job search experts" will tell you that you should never spend money to look for a job and should, instead, concentrate your efforts on perusing the classified ads or job boards, waiting for something to turn up, or networking. These people, unfortunately, are not responsible for paying your student loans, mortgage, or supporting your family and these people also generally have no idea what Legal Authority does.
THE "EXPERTS" ARE MISTAKEN about Legal Authority. Most experts have a "vested interest" in nothing changing. Their reasoning is generally along the lines of: "I do not have to waste my time learning about anything that differs from what I believe and understand because I already know absolutely everything there is to know." This sort of reasoning makes no sense but it is out there waiting to be found.
Some of these self proclaimed experts are bureaucrats inside of law school and employment agencies. They get paid to funnel people to certain contacts they've developed over the years and they have a strong pecuniary motive for not looking outside of that limited box.
If listening to these "experts" has landed you several interviews or a job, then congratulations. If you're here because following the "expert" advice isn't working, then it's time to give us a try.
To learn more about Legal Authority we recommend you visit these links:
Sign up for a "Free, No Obligation Resume Critique" and "Free Market Evaluation". Let us tell you how much potential you have!
What Our Clients Are Saying
I have been pleasantly surprised by your service. I was operating under the mentality that this was a last resort, and if it was unsuccessful, I would be forced to open my own practice or move. Two in... - Jason
I had no future in financial advising, so I made the decision to go back to school and get my law degree and LLM from a top 25 school. I still had trouble finding work until I did the mailing with you... - Jennifer P.
Thanks to the mailings, I got 6 interviews and 4 offers and I'm still hearing from firms asking for more credentials and interviews. It took some time working with the writer to get the perfect cover ... - T.T.
Do any of the following scenarios sound familiar? You have been working for years in a high-level career that is not taking you where you want to go...or you have been slaving away working on your Ph.D. and are facing many more years of fairly... MORE