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"The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other "self-initiated contact" with the employer..."



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A Small Investment in Your Future
Legal Authority is your personal full-service marketing partner, dedicated exclusively to your job search. We take your desire to advance your legal career and create a thoroughly researched and comprehensively executed marketing plan to help secure the life-changing career move you seek.

Just as successful companies retain specialized marketing agencies to advertise and promote new products, we do the same for your search for an attorney position. "The product is you." For the most profitable job results, you need to market yourself to the fullest extent possible.

Searching for the best attorney position on your own can be overwhelming. Even if you are successful in your search on your own, can you be certain that you reached every opportunity available? Was there a better offer, a better match for your goals that may have eluded you? The more organizations you reach, the more choices you will have.

We help you reach more real opportunities than any other resource available. We take your job search from start to finish and deliver the best comprehensive, custom-designed career marketing program available.

We understand that your time is valuable. You could try to apply on your own to every legal employer in a given area matching your interests. However, this could take you weeks or months, all while you're trying to hold down a full-time job! Because thousands of attorneys use our service each year, we are confident that the scope of our service is something that would be next to impossible for you to duplicate on your own. Many have tried and done so without success, only to return to Legal Authority months later.

At Legal Authority, we help you market yourself better, faster, and more efficiently than you ever could on your own, while keeping the cost very reasonable. You benefit from our commitment to providing the very best in employer contact research and the efficient, expedient course of action we take. There is no comparison to the level of service we provide. Legal Authority is only a small investment in what can be a very profitable and life-changing career move. Considering that some attorneys make more in a day than we charge for our complete services, it's clear that Legal Authority is a tremendous bargain.

Resume Critique and Market Evaluation
Simply enter your search term criteria and you will immediately receive a list of employer contacts who are all compatible with the information you entered. One you have that list all you need to do is select which employers you want personalized cover letters and resumes prepared for.

Or if you require more assistance in searching for employer contacts all you need to do is fill out our sign-up form, and we will schedule an appointment to speak with you at a time of your choosing. We will interview you in depth over the phone to determine exactly what type of position you are seeking. We will critique your current resume and provide you with suggestions for how to improve its impact and effectiveness. We will also provide a market evaluation for your practice area and location and discuss your overall marketability as a candidate. This initial critique and market evaluation is absolutely free, and there is no obligation to continue. We are committed to helping you find a job whether or not you decide to use our full services.

Membership Fee
At Legal Authority, you're not just a customer, you're a member. Our one-time, nonrefundable membership fee represents our commitment to helping you throughout your career. "From the time you become a member until the day you retire, you will have unlimited access to your account and our employer databases, in addition to access to one of our employment advocates." We will always be available to assist you in all your future job searches, as well as interviews and job offers — even if you did not use our service to secure them.

Your membership also includes the strategic planning of all the targeted-mail campaigns that you choose to undertake with us. When you become a member of Legal Authority, you are entitled to unlimited database searches throughout your career.

Free Service from Attorney Resume
Perhaps the best part of your Legal Authority membership is the resume and cover letter package that we provide for free! As a Legal Authority member, you will receive resume editing and cover letter creation services provided by Attorney Resume.

Attorney Resume is the world's leading authority on creating and revising resumes for law students, attorneys, and paralegals. Their writers are professional experts who specialize only in legal resumes; it's all they do. We are proud of our partnership with Attorney Resume, and you'll be satisfied with their services, guaranteed. Sign up on Legal Authority right away!

In addition, being a member means you'll get regular updates from us about the state of the market, job search tips, and legal news. Even better, membership entitles you to a free copy of all our print publications, including helpful guides and how-to manuals.

All Legal Authority members enjoy the following benefits for only $99.00
  • Free resume and cover letter writing and revision(s) by Attorney Resume, the world leader in crafting expert resumes for attorneys. Working with attorneys is all they do.
  • Continuing career consultation with an Attorney Employment Advocate and/or 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week access to our extensive databases of employer contacts.
  • Comprehensive targeted-mailing strategy and design.
  • Unlimited database searches as part of your career consultations.
  • Pre- and post-interview counseling.
  • Campaign response tracking.
  • Free copies of all our publications.
  • Regular, helpful updates.
  • Click here to read more about the benefits of Legal Authority membership.
Per Employer Charge
Headhunters can charge employers $25,000 or more for introducing you to a law firm, and and other job-posting sites can charge more than $400.00 for a single classified listing! While some firms and companies are willing to pay these fees to find their attorneys, many seek more cost-effective solutions. In fact, thousands of Legal Authority members practicing at top firms throughout the world have tried numerous other methods to locate employment before contacting us. We are, quite simply, the most effective method for an attorney to locate employment in the world today.

The Per Employer Charge covers the work we do to write and polish your custom resume and cover letter. It covers the hours that our staff spends going over these documents to ensure that they will make the maximum impact with any potential employer. It also covers the task of going through your data line by line, ensuring that the employer addresses and contact information that we provide you with is current. And it also covers any corrections that we gladly make to this data if an employer has moved, dissolved, or merged.

The Per Employer Charge then covers the production cost for each firm and organization for which we prepare your resume, cover letter, and corresponding envelope for targeted mailing. Charges are dependent on the scope of your campaign and decrease with greater volume and cover the printing and packaging charges for your completed product. You may request additional contacts at any time.

The Per Employer Charge includes
  • An identification of targeted hiring organizations and research into the hiring contacts within each organization
  • A custom resume and cover letter prepared especially for you
  • A line-by-line analysis of your search data to ensure that you get the best mailing we can offer
  • Production and printing of a complete marketing package, including resumes, envelopes, and cover letters on high-quality cotton bond paper
  • End-to-end package distribution and monitoring
  • A list of the specific individuals and their phone numbers inside of each hiring organization you are contacting for follow-up
  • Corrections for any returned mail you may receive
Number of Contacts < 150 151-300 301-500 501+
Price $2.95 $2.65 $2.25 $1.95
*Plus shipping and handling

While Legal Authority does offer a discounted rate of $1.95 per contact for all orders of over 500 contacts, such only applies when the 500 plus contacts are all ordered at the same time. "Add-ons" to orders are not considered part of the original order for purposes of the discounted rate of $1.95 per contact. All "add-ons", even those that when added to the original order cause the total number of contacts ordered to equal greater than 500, will be purchased at a rate of $2.95 per contact.

We ship your completed letters to you for your signature, postage, and local postmark. Mailing should originate from your home location.

Alternatively, if you are unable to sign, stamp, and mail your documents, or if you prefer to have us provide this service for you (as many of our international clients do) we can add a charge of $1.25 per contact for this service.

Our Services Are Tax-Deductible!
You may be able to claim all of your job-search expenses, including costs related to the preparation of resumes and cover letters, as itemized deductions.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, job-search expenses are deductible up to a limit which equals 2% of your adjusted gross income. You can deduct certain expenses you have in looking for a new job in your present occupation, even if you do not get a new job.

You cannot deduct these expenses if:
  • You are looking for a job in a new occupation,
  • There was a substantial break between the ending of your last job and when you began looking for a new one, or
  • You are looking for a job for the first time.

Employment and Outplacement Agency Fees
You can deduct employment and outplacement agency fees you pay in looking for a new job in your present occupation.

You can deduct amounts you spend for typing, printing, and mailing copies of a resume to prospective employers if you are looking for a new job in your present occupation.

Sign up for a "Free, No Obligation Resume Critique" and "Free Market Evaluation". Let us tell you how much potential you have!
What Our Clients Are Saying
I honestly thought I had no chance because I haven't passed the bar yet, but I just got called for an interview! THANK YOU!
- W. A

As a first year associate trying to make a lateral move from IP litigation to IP transaction, I was kind of expecting to have to "try again later" when I get more experience. You guys have d...
- Sandra

I would like to thank you for all of your help during this process. I truly could not have done it without you or Legal Authority. Given the nature of the profession, I believe that an attorney lookin...
- Mike M.

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Who Can Legal Authority Help?
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The Story Doesn’t End There
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Attorneys and law students are one of the most ill-informed groups of people there are when it comes to conducting a job search. MORE
Legal Authority Outplacement Program
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For Employers
Legal Authority's Comprehensive Employee Outplacement Program.
Give your attorneys the most opportunities. MORE
Our Database and Technology
Legal Authority's Comprehensive Database and Advanced
Search Engine.
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Legal Authority and National Media
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Legal Authority and Law Students
What Is Legal Authority?
Using Legal Authority for Law Student Jobs
Legal Authority Works!
Legal Authority Is a Great Way for Law Students...
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Choose Legal Authority for Your Job Search
Legal Authority Outplacement Program
Legal Authority Is the Smartest Way for Law Students to Find Jobs. Period.
If You Can Register on Legal Authority You Can Get a Legal Job
Why Legal Authority Will Transform You and Your Career
Do Not Let Your School Control the Recruiting Process
Who Can Legal Authority Help
Legal Authority Is Not for Everyone
An Advocate for Attorneys and Law Students to Get Jobs
What Legal Authority Does Works
Why I Started Legal Authority
Some Things You Probably Did Not Know about Legal Authority
Legal Authority Can Get You Your Next Law Firm Job
On-Campus Interviewing or Legal Authority
How Legal Authority Started: You Need to Have Desire to Achieve Your Goals
Legal Authority Works for Law Students
Legal Authority assists more attorneys and law students, at more law schools, get jobs than any other source.
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