New York Versus London Firms
''We say tomato, and they say...'' MORE
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Law School for Mature Students
Do any of the following scenarios sound familiar? You have been working for years in a high-level career that is not taking you where you want to go...or you have been slaving away working on your Ph.D. and are facing many more years of fairly thankless work in other peoples' labs at student wages before you see any chance for autonomy or recognition...or you have one of those degrees (such as a degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or physics) you have heard all the intellectual property law firms are seeking. If you are a sophisticated, bright individual who has done a little poking around, you may have come to the conclusion that obtaining your law degree will be the solution to all your problems-your ticket to nirvana, the inside track to wealth and prestige! And it might even lead to interesting work. MORE
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The First Born Phenomenon
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The Story Doesn't End There
Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The hare woke up and realized that he'd lost the race. MORE
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Economics and ''Mean'' Law Firms
One of the more notable aspects of the current economic slowdown is the fact that many firms have become increasingly ''meaner'' to their associates. In fact, many firms have become so nasty that many associates often wonder why they chose careers as attorneys in the first place. We have heard stories that, quite frankly, are shocking the first time you hear them but now occur with such frequency they are becoming old news. For example, one major firm over the past year fired more than half of its first year associates class with little or no explanation at all. This firm simply informed these associates that it'' ''we do not believe you are a good fit. In itself such conclusions may not seem that terrible; however, when you consider the fact that these same firms never gave their associates a single performance review and offered no critique whatsoever of their work you quickly must realize that this is not the rational environment one expects from most organizations that employ highly educated professionals. MORE
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How to Acquire the Best Legal Jobs
If you are getting ready to graduate from law school then you are probably getting a little concerned about where you are going to find some decent legal job. Many law school graduates feel that unless they have relatives with already established law firms or a lot of money to start their own, they will be stuck unemployed. And with the amount of money that people have to put out each month, this can be a very scary thing to have to consider. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
The Art Of Networking - A Guide To A Networking Meeting
IT IS TIME TO BEGIN YOUR MARKETING RESEARCH. You have identified the names of people you would like to contact, carefully composed a letter, and followed up with a phone call scheduling a time for your meeting. After that preparation, the meeting itself is nothing more than a friendly conversation asking for advice, but the flow of this conversation should not be left to chance. MORE
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How To Use Job Boards And Advertisements To Jump Start Your Job Search
WHEN YOU START THINKING ABOUT A CAREER move, you may choose to begin by looking on Internet job boards and in the classifieds-either those in the legal newspapers or those on the Internet (such as or and answer the job opportunities that seem interesting and attractive, even if you are not completely sure of your direction. Answering advertisements benefits your job search in several significant ways: MORE
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