Should I stay or should I go? I found myself asking this very question at a very early stage in my legal career. If you are reading this, I assume you are also pondering whether or not you should stay in the legal profession. This is a serious question and you should research it as […] MORE
Date: 02-04-2015
Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, […] MORE
Date: 01-29-2015
Q: Will an LL.M. help my legal career? A: An LL.M. degree is very helpful, and sometimes required, for international students who already possess a law degree from their country of origin but want to practice law in the United States. For example, in California, law students who received their legal education outside of the […] MORE
Date: 01-22-2015
Each and every day, there are hundreds of attorneys asking themselves the same question: Why wasn’t I hired?…I thought I was well-qualified and answered all of their questions. Maybe so. However, there lies a plethora of reasons why one may not be the right candidate. Other candidates, for example, could have more experience and successfully […] MORE
Date: 01-08-2015
Q: I’m thinking of making a move to another firm that will give me a drop in pay, but I feel it will be less stressful. In your experience, is a 20% pay cut worth it if I end up happier? A: There is no good general answer to this question since the answer will […] MORE
Date: 12-17-2014
When it comes to your job search, your resume is very important. Here are 8 things you should not include: Personal Information: Employers should never know from your resume if you are married or single. Religious affiliations: This information can work against you, no matter how great your credentials are. Political affiliations: The same logic applies here. […] MORE
Date: 12-04-2014
In terms of helping attorneys get jobs, one of the more effective means for doing so is by approaching the specific types of employers you would like to work for (whether or not they are soliciting applications) directly through a focused campaign. Sporadically applying to jobs on job posting boards, classified advertisements, and through recruiters […] MORE
Date: 11-20-2014
In almost every facet of one’s life, networking plays an important role in attaining one’s goals; sharpening this skill can be vital in your job search.Networking is what you make of it-there are no boundaries, no limits and no short-cuts.Networking has the ability to create opportunity, especially where one would not think to look.Developing these […] MORE
Date: 11-12-2014
You are in line to enter a club, and the group ahead of you gets a hearty welcome from the maître d’ and is seated at a table in the front by the stage. When your turn arrives, you are greeted indifferently and seated in the back by the bathrooms. Your companion turns to you […] MORE
Date: 11-04-2014
Networking and Your Job Search Are you an attorney or law student who has just started your job search or is interested in transitioning to a new job? If you are, then don’t forget to include networking as part of your job search. Some attorneys and law students feel that networking is not beneficial to […] MORE
Date: 10-30-2014