A. Harrison Barnes
If I use the NALP Guide, Martindale, or my career services office, I will find my perfect job.
You can follow the crowd and the same old tired list of leads, or you can take action and contact us.Legal Authority is the leader in finding jobs for law students from over 200 law schools.
Legal Authority has more legal hiring contacts than any company on Earth—over 75,000 of them.We have more legal hiring contacts than Martindale, NALP or your career service office.We have a staff of over 35 attorneys and researchers updating our hiring contacts 24 hours a day.In addition, we have professional writers on staff who will review and revise your resume and cover letters so they have the greatest possible impact.You would be surprised to find out how many law students use Legal Authority to find jobs.Law students use Legal Authority because it works.
It is no secret that following the crowd and finding a job through your career services office, networking, and applying sporadically to jobs on posting boards can be “hit or miss”.You can compete with everyone else at every other law school trying the same tired old methods of getting a job or you can take action and call us.No one but Legal Authority can help you apply to every specific type job you might be interested in.
At Legal Authority, we have the resources to get more law students jobs than any other single organization we are aware of in the United States.
Our database contains contacts for virtually every law firm, corporation, government office, and public interest organization in the United States (we can even help you go abroad).We will review and revise your resume and help you apply to any employer you want to—anywhere.And our service is also extremely inexpensive.Let our Attorney Employment Advocates speak with you about your job search and how they can get you your first job.
Find out how law students across the United States are getting their first job.Sounds easy?It is.Sounds smart?It is.
Now you’re thinking like a lawyer.